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Upcoming Games

  • Basketball Games TBD
    Basketball Games TBD
    Basketball Games TBD
    Date and time is TBD
    Location is TBD

Join Our Basketball Community

Player signup below for the upcoming Basketball season!

Basketball Signup Form

Is the Player Verbal or Non-Verbal?

As the parent or legal guardian, I hereby give my permission to him/her to play adapted soccer. I will not hold Wallace Rose Hill Elementary School, Special Need Opportunities of Duplin County, or its volunteers responsible in the case of injury during all activities. I grant permission for photos taken to be used in News Papers, Magazines, and Social Media networks for purposes of spreading awareness of SNODC. I also grant permission for treatment deemed necessary for conditions arising from participation in these activities, including medical, dental, or surgical treatment recommended by a medical doctor. I understand that every effort will be made to contact me prior to treatment.

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